I am an exceptional writer....so says my teacher. I'm here to see if she's right. I want to prove to myself that I'm not being fed a load of crap. I wanna be criticized as much as you guys can criticize me. Tell me what would make my stories better. Tell me if I spell something wrong. Tell if my ideas are boring and mainstream or too out of the ordinary. Just judge my writing the best you can Kay? I use writing to rid myself of emotions so don't be too surprised if plot lines change dramatically. So, you wanna know about me right? That's the only reason you keep reading...I'm a 16 year old girl from san diego. I'm a navy brat, so that means I've been every where. I like to meet new people and I love to travel. I dream of living on the road, and documenting things in my life through writing, photography and cinematography.
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