Hi:) thanks for viewing my profile! My name is emily and I'm 14 and from essex :D
As noah says: L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N.
It's not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get up.
To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. -Brandi Snyder
Never play with the feelings of others because you may win the game but the risk is that you will surely lose the person for a #lifetime.. -William Shakespeare
It is very easy to defeat someone, but it is very difficult to win someone. -Dr. Abdul Kalaam
Weet je zeker dat je wilt ontvrienden?
Weet u zeker dat u dit lid van uw familie wilt verwijderen?
Je hebt geplooid Emorrow
Nieuw lid is succesvol toegevoegd aan je familielijst!
Reactie succesvol gerapporteerd.
Post is succesvol toegevoegd aan je tijdlijn!
U heeft uw limiet van vrienden bereikt!
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