Blondes And Mice One day two blondes went to separate pet shops and bought a mouse. When they got home they realised that they're going to have to find a way to tell them apart. "I know!", said one of the blondes, "I'll cut an ear off of mine". "Brilliant", said the other. During the night 'Two Ears' got jealous of 'One Ear' and convinced him to nibble off one of his ears. In the morning both blondes couldn't believe it, "how're we gonna tell them apart now?" said one blonde to the other. "Well," said the other, "I'll cut the other off". During the night 'One Ear' got jealous of 'No Ears' and, again, convince him to nibble the other off. Well, this went on for days with the blondes getting confused and cutting of parts of a mouse and then the other getting jealous. On the final day, with only the body of each mouse left, one blonde turned to the other, "fucking hell, what are we going to do now". "Well fuck it, you take the white one, I'll have the black one!"