Help Needed How can you tell the one you love exactly how you feel, When you're not too sure yourself and nothing can break the seal? It's ruining everything, always being closed off, I know I need to fix it but don't know how to kickoff. Where do you begin when you feel like you're insane, How can you explain it without causing any pain? I have been given so many chances to mend what I have burned, But I felt so confused and switched off inside that I guess I never learned. Please someone take me by the hand, And tell me how to be strong and how to make a stand.
Twisted It feels like a knot inside my stomach, The fears and worries are running amock. The pain is unreal as I hid inside myself, The demons are dancing with a sinister stealth. I wish I knew how to let it all out, To just push it all away and not feel the need to shout. The aching intensifies on an hourly basis, The pain only eases slightly with a hug and a kiss. It's causing so many issues in my entire #life, I pushed the one away who wanted to call me "wife". There's no going back now, the burden to suffocating for others, The demon laughing, my fear shudders.
Damn Lying here in the hospital bed, Trying to remember what the Drs said. Been feeling so ill for 4 weeks now, The Drs before were useless and one was a total cow. Still no answers and it's driving me mad, I'm dreading my boys coming in, I know they will be sad. Drips and tablets and bloods and needles, Vampires the lot of them, and one looked like a weasel. All I want is to go home to my bed, The woman next to me keeps snoring and it's hurting my head.
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Cataract / Stevo Owens
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Cataract / Stevo Owens
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