Traveling To The Future
This is the third post I have on time travel theories, please check my other posts for more info and to help you understand this one. Let's begin...
You may not know this, but time and mass have a connection, that is to say, the larger the mass of something, the slower it travels through time. You may think that sounds crazy but it's actually proven. There are super-precise clocks on the satellites that orbit our earth, clocks that go ever so slightly out of sync with Earth every day. This is because the earth is so much heavier, it is traveling through time slower than the satellites...
Increasing the difference in mass between the two objects will increase this time difference, and a black hole, which has the mass of so many million suns, has been discovered that could be key to traveling through time for us Humans.
Let's say a rocket set of from Earth and managed to get to this black hole, if the crew positioned the rocket in orbit with it, time on board the ship would slow down to HALF it's normal rate.... So for example, every 10 years on the rocket, would be 20 years on Earth. Crazy isn't it?
Now we just need to find out how to get there....
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