Translate   12 years ago

Drinking Culture In Britain This post doesn't really follow my usual genre, but I think it's an interesting topic nonetheless! I'm about to go out to a club for one of my friends birthdays. As usual in Scotland we are all having drinks before to get as close as possible to drunkenness before we go into the club. I do this, but I find it disgusting. When you think about it, we are drinking something that damages our body to the extent it can't handle it and makes your body act differently simply because it doesn't know what to do with the chemical you keep shoving down your throat. It's a horrible thought... While I'm writing this I'm sitting in a room full of people who will soon wake up and regret the actions they did the night before, but it's okay because 'they were drunk." I know I participate in this, but I still think that it's strange that the culture I live in has adapted to make it okay to make a fool of yourself, as long as you pumped yourself full of chemicals before it. Pleeaasee comment with your thoughts on this and tell me what the usual routine is in your country before going for a night out! Thanks a lot.

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