Blown Away Chapter 7 What did he mean she must have it too? Why did the guard say that? Why did- A loud screech interrupts my thoughts. Something is thrown at me then the cell door closes. A bag. I open it up and find and orange,bread and a canteen. I gulp down a third of the water. Who knows when I will get out of here. Then eat half my bread. It tastes so good. Especially when you haven't eaten for almost two days. My brother has powers. I get it now.They were saying I must have powers too. I wonder when he found out about them? Now I can tell someone about my powers and they will believe me! I'm so excited. But my excitement stops. What if my brother is dead. It's possible. I never really thought about it though. No Bella. Don't think about that just...think....I wonder what powers he has? Fire-speaking? Water-speaking? I only wish he was with me right now. I suddenly feel very cold. I shiver. I rub my arms trying to warm myself. The door slams open. A guard comes and grabs me. Then he gets the bag and pulls me out. "Where are we going?"I ask scared. He doesn't answer. "Where are we going?"I ask louder. "You'll see."He says. After what seems like hours we finally arrive at where we are supposed to be. My feet are sore. All I know is we are far away from the castle grounds. Another guard walks out but he wear different clothes."Hello Bella...I've been waiting to see you."He says evilly. I gulp. Comment if you want another chapter. Please.
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