Blown Away Chapter 4 I slowly followed the prince and his guards to the castle. Maybe, the king could help. As the prince arrives at the castle I panic. How am I supposed to get in? Then I have an idea. Luckily, there was only one guard at the gate. I wonder why. I quickly crouch beside the prince's horse and walk beside it. Hopefully,the guard doesn't see me. As we safely come into the castle grounds I sigh in relief. Then my worst fears come true. A guard spots me. "You there!"He yells running over to me. "Why aren't you in the stables?"He asks. Stables? "Uhh...I-"he cuts me off. "Go to your duties stable girl."He says coldly. I quickly run to the side of the castle and see a man guiding the prince's horse. Hopefully to the stables. Good thing thing the guard thought I was a stable girl. As I arrive at the stables I notice there aren't very many horses. At least not many as I expected. About 15 of them were in their pens. I walk to the guard. "You, are you the stable girl?"He asks. "Yes.I'm looki-". "Put this horse up and groom him." He says. Geez, these guards aren't very nice. I put the horse in an empty stall and groom him. Then a memory comes to me. "Bella, stay still,you need to listen."My father scolds. "But father,this lesson is too long."I complain. I moan. "These things will help you learn about the royals."He says. "Fine".I mutter. "Now lest start. The kings servants sleep in the lower rooms in the castle. But the stable hands and animal tenders sleep in the barn." He says. "Is that it?"I ask. He shakes his head smiling."no fair."I say. I miss my father's smile. I walk a few steps backwards as bump into something soft. I flip around. "Oh,I'm sorry."We both say at the same time. A young man stands in front of me. We smile. "Are you the stable girl?"He asks. "N-yes,yes I am."I say quickly. His eyes are a lovely shade of green. I can't help look at him. Brown hair too. "May I get to my horse?"He asks. I blush ten move aside. "What's your name?"He asks. "Bella."I say. "That's a nice name."He says. "What's yours?"I ask. "Derek."He says. I freeze.
Jelly :P
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Jelly :P
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