The Voices Told Me To...
Chapter 5
DING DING DING! She woke up, it was the end of her last mod and she felt much better, her head wasn’t pounding as badly anymore. She could think clearly now without the pain, but she could still feel it pounding against her skull ever so slightly. Its time to go home, I can go home and lay down for a bit. Take a few aspirin, I’ll feel better in no time. She picked up her things and started to walk out of Ms. Brooks’ English class when she felt the pain.
Her head felt as if it was going to explode, she crumbled to the cold hard floor clutching her head. She bit her lip to keep from screaming but the pain was to much, she felt her teachers hands trying to roll her over out of her fetal position telling her to relax that everything was going to be okay, and asking what was wrong. Her voice was panicky. Then, everything went black.
Anna Belle woke up in a hospital bed, the pain was gone and she could sit up but just barely. In the mirror that was across the room from the bed she saw herself in the bed gown and covered up in the white bed sheets. Her hair was perfect just like her makeup, and her pain was gone. She looked harder at the mirror and in the corner of the room she saw Jason leaning against the wall with an impish smile.
She turned to look at him and the pain grew worse she whimpered and he smiled bigger then under the blankets she felt something wet. She threw the blankets off of her and saw a pool of blood between her thighs she screamed! She got out of the bed and ran to Jason the pain doubling with each step. She clung to him and fell to the floor crying. All she saw was Jason’s smile.
Anna Belle Boleyn awoke with a start. She sat strait up and looked around, scared out of her mind. Jason stood up from the chair across from the bed she was in and hurried over to her. He grabbed her hand and kissed it.
“Are you okay? Do you need anything? I could get you some water? Are you hungry?…” Jason stuttered tripping over his own words trying to make her comfortable. She only wanted one thing.
“What happened?” She asked her voice sounded rough and low. She needed some water she was parched. Jason’s big black eyes got big and the color flushed from his face. His mouth hung open then closed again, this happened two or three times he was at a loss for words. He looks like a hooked fish, why won’t he tell me what happened? Anna thought.
“You sound hoarse; you need water I’ll get it for you. You should rest; you lost so much blood and had a concussion. Rest my love, I shall be back.” Jason kissed her forehead and was gone. She sat there in the hospital bed confused and in pain. Slowly the dream crept back to her consciousness the bed, the blood, and Jason. She reached her hand under the clothes on the bed ran her hand up the inside of her thigh and she felt nothing, she grazed her stomach with her other hand still feeling the small bump.
She was fine, the baby was fine. She felt relieved, but what had happened to her? She laid back down on the hard hospital pillow and closed her eyes just as Jason came back in. “Here’s your water my darling, I’ve been so worried about you. Your sister is down stairs in the cafeteria waiting for you. I’ve already got the discharge papers filled out; you can go home whenever you want Hun.” He smiled then caressed her hair easily avoiding the stitches behind her ear, she sat up and looked at him, and he beckoned her to drink the water. She took a drink and it felt amazing, the cold liquid slithered down her throat enabling her to talk normal again. She cleared her throat and looked at Jason.
“I want to go home now…” She said, Jason jumped to his feet helped her out of the bed, and into her clothes. She hated hospitals, the smell, the sounds, the colors. Its depressing and Anna felt gross just breathing the air, and Jason knew this. He had her out of the hospital as quickly as she had been taken there with Rachelle following right behind them talking about a piece of pie in the cafeteria that she ate.
“It was fucking amazing sis, you shoulda ate it! It was like my taste buds exploded with happiness and joy and pie!” Rachelle was saying while flailing her arms around as she spoke two-hundred miles per hour. Anna smiled as they walked to Jason’s truck. When they got to the truck Rachelle was still talking but now Anna had started talking back, and Jason was watching Anna like a hawk just to be sure she was okay. He opened the truck door then in one swift move picked Anna up and sat her in the truck. He kissed her hand then turned to Rachelle.
“Do you need help too?” He asked trying to be a gentleman.
“Nope, I’m good.” Rachelle hopped up in the truck and sat next to her sister. He closed the door and saw Anna smile at her sister then laugh. She has the prettiest smile I’ve ever seen, she makes my heart pound when she smiles. I wish she would more often. He walked around the truck and got in. Everything was quiet he looked over at the girls. Rachelle was no longer talking, and Anna wasn’t smiling.
“What’s wrong?” He asked looking only at Anna.
“Why was I in the hospital? I don’t remember.” She asked innocently, her eyes huge like a scared kid.
“You had an anxiety attack and fell and hit your head.”
“You mean like a panic attack?” Her voice was quiet and scared. Jason wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead.
“Yes my dear, but it’s okay now. It was just the stress of it being the first day back at school after the long weekend, and we had that paper due that you spent so much time on. It’s okay, its over now. From now on tell me if you’re stressed and I’ll take care of it.” I’m pregnant, I’m stressing and I’m pregnant. She looked into his eyes and saw pure worry and love. She began to cry, I will tell him tomorrow not today, but tomorrow he will know the truth. Why I’m so stressed.
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Chynna Bolen
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