Woah I haven't been on for awhile, I'm sorry
#life has been pretty complicated, my "bestfriend" ruined my last day which I was looking foward to for a long time, I had a mental breakdown while waiting in line and I began to cry because I was feeling sick and scared and Chelsei just snapped at me and told me to "stop being so miserable" then got angry when the rest of my friends were asking Chelsei if I was okay
She also got pissy when I didn't feel like going on anymore rides nearing the end of the day
I lost my closest friend, Rachel awhile ago thanks to Megan
Megan got really pissy at me during the end of June because I was buying and giving things to everybody else stuff
Like I was buying food for people and letting them borrow my fans and I didn't trust Megan
We're okay at the moment but I refuse to talk to Rachel
Rachel turned on me herself, to join Megan's side
I've been having a bad time and I don't wanna go back to school, I've been talking to one of my other internet friends
So.. Mm