Hello, my name is Schadoh. I am 15. Yes I said 15, but I'm proud to be that age, due that in Jan. 2015 I get my license:) ok, and I'm taken by the one and only Jeff Paul Alberghette, its k tho, yes I am bisexual, get over it. My story that I am currently working on is with my best friend Rina or @ChibiBear. She is fantastic:) I am privileged to have met her:) I have my insecurities, and half the time I think I'm just a boy in a girls body, because I act more like "one of the guys" than a prissy snobbish girl. I HATE shopping, I'd rather be home playing video games. I love to get dirty just to take a shower to get dirty again. Yeah, I'm one of the guys. So boys when I say you won't find a girl like me ever...believe it. Ok, I'm done for now^^ Peace pixies! :) <3
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