Our Games
I want to die as me, I would often say
But Katniss objects, tells me different in a way.
I wish we were together, I wasn't just bread boy
But what I have now, is what I should enjoy
Gale is always there, messing with my head,
I can barley close my eyes, or lay asleep in bed,
Having images of them together as a two,
When all I wanted was Katniss to say I do,
I know we can't get married, because of Gale,
But I wish it was just simple, our plans not a fail
But president snow insist,that we make the vows,
Even though I know she's dreading it somehow,
I wish Katniss would just say, that she doesn't love me
Maybe if I knew, things could be left be,
If she really does want Gale, and wants to keep me shut,
Then I wish her a happy #life, with lots of happy luck
So this is what I want to know, please answer me now,
Katniss will me you marry me?
Make the marriage vowe?
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