CatnipKatniss: What are we all doing on Facebook?
Marvel-ousSpears: You'll see
LoveYourKnifeClove: It's Marvel, you know this can't be good
Marvel-ousSpears: You shouldn't doubt me Clover
LoveYourKnifeClove:Yep, that's going on the list
Marvel-ousSpears: List of what?
LoveYourKnifeClove:Names you should never call me
LadyPrimroseButtercup: Burn
Volts has logged on
Volts: What am I doing here?
Marvel-ousSpears: So you want to go out with Johanna, huh?
Volts: Well I-
PeetaChip-You do?
Foxface: Yeah, get with the times BreadBoy
DrunkVictor: Oh sweet mother of Panem, Beetee? What's wrong with you? No one likes Johanna enough to want to go out with her
Volts: You guys you don't understand-
Marvel-ousSpears: That's what she said to me yesterday
Volts: You told her?
Marvel-ousSpears: *Wait for it…*
Volts: Marvel? How could you? And how do you know? And Foxface is that why you were following me the other day, to find out whom I like?
Foxface: …I have no comment…
Marvel-ousSpears: I told whom what?
AxeObsession has logged on
Volts: You told Johanna I like her?
AxeObsession: No, I found out through previous conversation, you didn't tell me anything, but apparently you told your mother. Why didn't you tell me you wanted to go out with me?
Volts: Let's see, 1) You'd say no, 2) I only have a crush on you, I never said I wanted to date you, and 3) I only have the slightest crush on you, it's not how I feel about Wiress
Glimmer-ousGirl: So who's Holly? Your current girlfriend?
LittleMockingjay Logged on
LittleMockingjay- Guys what on earth is going on
Glimmer-ousgirl- Erm well....let's see, Volts likes Johanna, and Holly is his current girlfriend
Volts: What? No, Holly's my sister-in-law
Glimmer-ousGirl: But Finch said-
Volts: Think about it, what did Finch hear?
Foxface: I heard you say 'Tell Holly I love… her' which now thinking about it you could've meant that for a sister-in-law
LittleMockinjay- that makes more sense.
AxeObsession: How do you know I would've said no?
Volts: Because I know you, you never would say yes
AxeObsession: Don't do that. It makes me feel bad
HotterThanYou You: Gasp
CatnipKatniss : Finick that username is so immature!
HotterThanYou- So is yours *laughing face*
CatnipKatniss: .......
GaleFailSnail- LOL!
AxeObsession: Yes, I know, I have other feelings besides competitiveness and hatred, shocking isn't it, Gale....not Lol
GaleFailSnail: Yes lol *Laughing face*
Volts: Would you say yes?
AxeObsession: Try me
GaleFailSnail: ASK HER!
Volts: No
AxeObsession: .......
MahoganyQueen: I think it would be sweet
PeetaChip: Effie you think everything's sweet.....
DrunkVictor: Okay, now I know you've officially lost it, who goes out with Johanna
MahoganyQueen: *chucks biscuit at Haymitch and Peeta*
DrunkVictor: We're not even in the same place, how can you do that?
CatnipKatniss: Yeah...why the biscuit
MahoganyQueen: I can dream can't I?
Primrose Everdeen
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