The Monkey Who Downed The Milkshake
(These are song lyrics, so if they dont work as a #poem, they work with the music Im trying to create to go with it )
We gave a monkey a milkshake,
And told it to down it in one,
And the monkey picked up the milkshake,
And downed it in one go,
Now, this monkey it didnt speak english,
Or french or spanish or dutch,
And it got us wondering,
Well, how did it understand us,
How did it understand us,
You see this monkey was ripped from its mother at birth,
And raised in a little barred cage,
And the poachers would come out to feed it,
And this monkey would hear them say,
"We're sorry we killed your mother,
We had no other choice,
The big companies had bled us dry,
Paying too little for our crops,
And whilst the companies offered us pennies,
The gang members offered us guns,
They offered us guns."
This monkey, it understood them,
Realised they had no other choice,
And they took care of him best they could,
But soon they sold him on,
And he was taken across the planet,
To the same place where he met us,
All chained up,
At a beach,
A tourist attraction,
It was then the monkey told us,
Exactly what he'd been through,
Not with words but with his eyes,
Staring right into my soul,
And I rang up the animal helpline,
And I called the police,
And he was taken to a sanctuary,
But he could never be released,
But he lived out his days happy,
In the company of friends,
He lived with other monkeys like him,
And he became a dad,
He had a beautiful little baby,
Who had eyes just like his,
And the monkey died the very next day,
But I will never forget,
The monkey who downed the milkshake,
Died happily.
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