Angel #11-Zac
Logan was and average kid, fifteen, black hair, dark eyes, dark skin, loads of friends, lives with his Mum, Dad and little sister. His sister was six and called Izzabell, she was cute but Logan found her annoying. His Mum and Dad had been married for 19 years and he seemed a pretty happy kid. Even behind closed doors.
I followed him around all morning but he was now stuck in math class and even I was falling asleep. I got bored and decided to fly around for a bit and see what Hope was up to.
I needed to drop off her tulip but I wanted to do something special. So I flew to the closest flower shop and skidded along the pavement as I landed outside. A few passing people glanced at the dust cloud I'd just created but no one really took notice. I hadn't walked around much since I died, and I defiantly hadn't been in any kind of shops.
I slid my hand into my pocket and felt the crisp note, neatly folded and tucked deep into my pocket. I'd managed to save a little money from finding some on the street, Angels didn't get payed in human money, we got payed with an apartment and a #life. If we worked they would grant us with shelter and the privilege to be living. The idea was so you never came across a rich Angel, but we all know the higher rank you are, the more privileges you get. Like the Golden's, they can do what ever the hell they want, erase minds, make things out of thin air. As long as they didn't fall in love with a human. No matter what rank you were, that was not aloud.
A bell above the door chimed as an elderly man exited the shop. I slipped through the gap as the man moved and the door closed behind me.
The shop was warm and the air felt moist, the smell of freshly cut flowers filled my nostrils and I could hear the sound of running water.
It wasn't a small shop, it was just crowded. Plants and strange garden ornaments were crammed into every corner.
I felt at ease but out of place at the same time, so I glided round the shop until I found what I was looking for. Tulips. Red ones.
I glanced at the young cashier and watched as she flipped the page of her magazine, oblivious to the fact I was standing here.
I searched the huge pot of tulips and found the most prettiest and well cared for bunch. As I picked them up I knew they would become invisible in my hand.
I could just steal the flowers but it felt wrong.
I slipped my hand into my pocket and pulled out the crisp note, holding it in my palm I ran my thumb over the smooth folds. This is the only money I've saved, it's kind of sad to let it go. But it's for something good, something amazing, someone amazing.
"I hope you're gonna pay for that"
I was pulled from my thought and my head flicked back to where the cashier girl was watching me. I glanced around the shop. There was no one else in here...
"I can see you!" She said laying her magazine on the counter.
I pointed my finger to my chest and sent her a questioning look. she nodded and waved her hand, indicating for me to come over.
I slowly made my way to the counter and she snatched the bunch from my hand and scanned it.
"These for someone special?" She asked raising an eyebrow, I nodded double checking I was invisible. Yep defiantly invisible.
She pulled a deep red ribbon out and tied it around the plastic covering the beautiful tulips.
"How can you see me?" I finally asked as she neatened the pretty bow she'd just made.
A smirk pulled at the side of her mouth and she looked at me through her thick lashes.
"You never been here have you. You know I can still see Angels right?"
I shook my head in confusion.
She sighed "I'm a fa- Angel...
"An Angel?" I don't really believe her. She didn't look like an angel and her hair was way too dark. I'd never seen an Angel with black hair.
"Yeah. But my job is down here" she nodded, casually playing with her necklace.
It was a simple silver chain with what looked like an Angel wing and a feather.
"So anyway, you gonna pay for those...?" She said.
"Zac" I finally got out when I realised she was waiting for my name.
She smiled, took my money and I thanked her.
When I turned to leave she said "Come back soon Zac"
I looked over my shoulder and politely smiled but I didn't see the woman coming through the door so I walked straight into it, making the glass window shake.
I could see the cashier girl trying to hold back a laugh when the woman checked around the door to see what she'd hit but I was invisible to her.
I flew all the way to Hope's house wishing her Mother was out so we could talk in peace. We haven't had a chance to talk since 'the almost kiss' incident. I don't really know what to do, I want to kiss her. More than anything. But, it could put both of us at a huge risk!
I kiss her, I die or become a fallen? That doesn't seem fair. I let the wind rush though my wings, relaxing me and I just enjoyed the freedom of flying.
Hope's house came into focus and a smile spread across my face. I checked the tulips and made sure they were still presentable, then ran my fingers through my hair. I hope it doesn't look windswept.
I glanced through her bedroom window expecting her to be brushing her hair or sat on her bed.
At first I saw her wall, looks like she's been painting but then I saw the rest of the room and the limp body laying in a pile of, what used to be her bed.
It wasn't paint on the wall. It was blood. And it was everywhere.
Goosebumps covered my body and I felt like someone had just slapped me round the face.
"No. HOPE!" I screamed and instantly teleported into her bedroom. It was worse standing in the room. Chunks of broken furniture was spayed across the floor, everything covered in blood. So much blood.
I dropped the tulips on the floor and my lip quivered as I knelt by Hope. Her #lifeless body looked peaceful but her face was so colourless.
I held her cold hand in mine and gently shook her shoulder.
"Hope?" My voice was a whisper. I stroked her hair but it was matted with thick blood. Tears filled my eyes. This can't be happening. "This can't happen!" I said out loud
"Hope? Come on, answer me Angel. Everything okay, we'll get you fixed up. Please Angel Answer me. Please, please.
Don't leave me Angel......I need you. The world needs you. Angel?" I begged for her #life. She can't be gone. She's still here, I know she is.
"Zac" I soft voice whispered.
I stopped moving. Stopped breathing, and watched her face.
I heard again but it wasn't coming from her.
I lifted my head to the tall figure standing the other side of Hope's destroyed bed.
Alec's sad eyes met my wet face. "I did all I could. I'm sorry"
"She's still alive! She's still here I know she is. She's not dead Alec!" I screamed as he squatted down to my level
"Zac.... You need to let go buddy. You need to get out of here before t-"
"NO! I'm not leaving her. not ever! She need help Alec! You have to find help!"
"Zac, it's too late. You-"
"IT'S NOT! You have to help me. You have to help! Why won't you help me!" I was crying so hard now I couldn't see. Nothing mattered but Hope. Why wasn't Alec helping me!
Alec stood and I carried on screaming and shouting. I didn't care if other humans herd me. Let the whole world hear. I don't care about them. Only Hope.
Four or more hands grabbed my arms from behind and pulled me back. Everything went blurry and in slow motion. I couldn't do anything but look at Hope's beautiful, #lifeless body.
I shouted at the top of my lungs and used all my strength to fight them off. Why were they pulling me away?!
I could hear my own voice crying, shouting, screaming, cursing everything and I was trying my best to get closer to Hope but her hand fell out of mine and more hands pulled me away.
I saw Alec mouth the word 'promise' seconds before the pain rippled through my back and I collapsed to the ground.
My body instinctively teleported to somewhere else. The park I fist met Hope.
"Hope?" I groaned then passed out.
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