Treasure He doesn't treasure the #life he has, Nor does he treasure the time he's given, Yet he treasured all the bad things in #life, Which has led him to this frightful end, He hasn't treasured the people around, But when he started, #life came crashing down, Lost his friends and the girl he loved, You can imagine how things must have went, He does not treasure the #life he has, Threatens to end it almost every night, He doesn't see that sparkling light, That we see glimmer in his eyes at night, If only he could treasure everything in sight, Maybe that'd of made #life feel more right, He's yet to treasure his light, Still not dusted himself off and continued the fight, He doesn't treasure the #life he has, Nor does he treasure the time he's given, Yet he treasured all the bad things in #life, Which has led him to this frightful end, But you are my friend, I will direct you in the right way and then Press send, You'll be on your way to the treasure you must seek, Grasp the light and time and #life, Cause you my love, Your my treasure like it or not,