übersetzen   12 Jahre

Spritely Giggles(Repost Of Old Old Post) On this very merry day, With the sun shining so bright, Ive something I must tell you About strange occurances at night It seems that each and every night, Whilst I am fast asleep, Some little spritely fairies, Come and steal things for their Queen! They take all the shiny things, Like knives, forks and spoons, So I decided that I would, Hide them on afternoons The fairies sure turned up, For I found a note that said, 'Meet us in your garden, Two hours before bed' So that night at eight'o'clock, I stepped into my yard, And what I saw was amazing, Gave me a warm feeling in my heart Thousands of little people, With tiny silvery wings, Each of them holding, Sharp and pointy things One of them spoke, It was music to my ears, 'Give me all your metal, Or Ill unleash your darkest fears' I replied in but a whisper, 'Your beauty is so true, I shall quickly just go fetch something, Ill be back in a minute or two' I rushed back in the house, And grabbed a pen and paper, I held it up to the lead fairy, 'Can you sign it?No? Maybe later' She looked at me with eyes of ice, 'Do you remember what I said?!' I said 'Yes ofcourse, dont be silly, You said, "Get here two hours before bed"' She slapped her forehead, her eyes wide 'My god you are so stupid' I smiled and bent down to pick a flower, And gave it to her, the orchid She blushed, giggled as she smelt the flower, Her smiling teeth so white, 'It seems you found my weakness, I shall not steal from you at night' For it turns out that the Orchids smell, Makes fairies weak at the knees, And that they make their homes, In the trunks of old oak trees It was a night Ill never forget, A night Ill always remember, But I do have one regret, That the fairy didnt sign my paper

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