But I Love You We are taught To love everything broken Because broken things need to heal And love is healing But I love you I love you and your lack of scars It doesn't make you bland It makes you light Like milk and candles I love you For how you shine through clear glass And not scattered Spilling rainbows everywhere you go I love you For being clear and straight and simple As if it were ever simple to be human I love you Because you are not afraid to fill up on joy In every situation I love how you carry your lack of scars Shamelessly How you carry your lack of being beaten down You don't need love But I crave to give it to you
Peel Me Off (Repost) I'm scared Scared I've been fooling myself Scared that my love Isn't real Scared that my joy Isn't real Scared that I Am not real That everything I think that I am Really is just what I think that I am I am scared Scared that I've woken up and accidentally dressed in someone else's skin for a day For very many days now Scared That when I undress even my nakedness will be pretense Scared that beneath every layer There's another one that's just made up My cheeks are wet Like when peeling an onion Crocodile tears And real salt
I Am An Addicted [Reworked] I am an addicted Repeat the words I am an addicted You are a purist Not straight edge but You have a good relationship With all things bad for you You fast on ramadan You only drink on feast days And you would never take My words into your mouth We are an impossibility But I Am addicted to those And even now, three months later I still walk around craving you I tried other things Sex, sugar, marijuana You are my heroin I tried other people I want to forget their names They weren't anything like you I walk around in hunger And I can see now what they mean With that an alcoholic recovered Still always is an alcoholic I too have a thirst that can't be stilled I'm a dark room filled with mirrors Sniffing coke off my new boyfriend's skin Trying to find something stronger Something to suck you out of me Like a vacuum cleaner That sucks a breath away Still the dark is shimmering Calling from within I want to talk Just talk to him Nothing more just talk just fall just lay there in his arms again And have him falling too Eyes locked in mine again just talking I'm an alcoholic that's not drinking A junkie that can't get his fix I am an addicted Repeat the words I am an addicted Stuck in the need for you
Obvious Time I woke up among the coldest hours And the chill told me the truth Ice cold brain saw clearly What my heart never knew This is the time to leave you As obvious as that after waking We rise and face the day That lies ripe for the taking I have to rise to pluck my future The one that I know is void of you And just like all days previous Leaving bed is hard for me to do
Nik Larcombe
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