Dont Think of me Please dont look at me Im just a bad note in someones #life I tried to breath love But it was too much for them Now i deserve the torn Wripping and Thrown inside a bin
read more...Dont Think of me Please dont look at me Im just a bad note in someones #life I tried to breath love But it was too much for them Now i deserve the torn Wripping and Thrown inside a bin
read more...My Past Has haunted me Its all atound And double living I came back to it Where reality is im a liar And im supposed to jog on skip And cope before i choked Thats my guilt is past abuse Where i have actually been properly used My heart is bruised But not dead I like to feel fed back into #life again Or carry on faking my smiles i can do At times i could break down and cry Every second more stretched about me Is a torture No light of its own Just a cold bold world to run around into Taking this pain away without a thought Until i get cought