HOH - C8 Hiding Our Hurt Chapter 8 ~~~ I laughed so hard I literally fell on the floor I wasn't angry any more. "You have a boner!" Jamie turned bright red and walked into his room. I sat there crying with laughter. *** About half an hour later when I eventually calmed down I sat on the sofa and checked the time. I knew that I was going to go to Starbucks at 5pm, to meet this mystery person and find out what they want. "Jamie, can you drop me off at Starbucks?" I shouted to the other room whilst watching the news. Jamie quietly came out of his room and say next to me. "Uh Sure... And Sorry..." Jamie went bright red again and I started laughing. "Oh Man.... You don't get out much!" I laughed and smiled a real smile. "Your... hot. Okay?" Jamie went as bright red as a tomato and I spat my drink out everywhere. "Yeah whatever!" I playfully punched Jamie and walked into the kitchen. "I should clean all that up..." I said motioning towards the spilt Cola. Jamie smiled still embarrassed and got out his car keys. "Why are you going Starbucks?" I had completely forgot about the night before and let him know. "Someone wants to meet me." Jamie gave me a concerned look. "Your coming back after right? Walking back won't be too hard?" I smiled. "I'll be fine." Jamie nodded and pinned his number into my mobile. "Promise me to come back. I'm not finished. Ring me if your lost." Jamie gave me a half hearted smile and I sighed. Finally feeling a little less happy. "Whatever J." Jamie grabbed my arm. "Promise me." His eyes went stony cold again. The sort of icy look scared me and I nodded to avoid having to stare into them any longer. *** This chapter sucks.
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Kezza Jadee
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