Aizen's tea party
After a tea party between Aizen, Tousen, Gin and the Espadas, they returned to their apartments, penthouses on the roof of Las Noches. Gin and Tousen went into Aizen's room, and the Espada decided to all have a sleepover at Yammy's. Grimmjow staggered unsteadily through the doorway with a worried Ulquiorra not far behind him. "What's the matter, Grimmjow? You don't look well."
"I think I drank too much tea at Aizen's party. It's really knocking me out..." Heaving, Grimmjow raced upstairs, still with Ulquiorra trailing him, muttering to himself.
"You never know, Aizen-sama could have drugged the tea, or genetically modified it or.." Szayel was interuppted by a grumpy sounding Hainnabel.
"Only you would do that, Szayel."
"Pinky nerd!" Coyote giggled gingerly under his breath.
Grimmjow dizzily bent over the toilet bowl with an open mouth, Ulquihorra standing behind him holding his shaggy blue hair back. A red shiny ball formed, and
out of his mouth blasted a huge cero. It smashed through the toilet, bits of porcelain flew everywhere. Ulquiorra winced as bits of loo smacked him in the face, and Grimmjow stood up and stared dumbfoundly at the mess he had made. Although he did feel a bit better after that ordeal.
"Grimmjow, are you okay? What's going on up there? Have we got a bit of Grimm x Ulqui going on?" Yammy called The Espada who sat on the sofas downstairs snorted with laughter. Regaining his calmness, Ulquiorra strolled downstairs and pointed up.
"No actually, Yammy. Grimmjow has just regurgitated a cero and broken your upstairs toilet."
"You make him sound like a baby bird" Nnoitra sniggered. The living room was silent for a few seconds, as Yammy processed this new information that he had beeen given.
"Oh god, no!" He gasped. "Now where am I going to pee!?"
"I think you are forgetting something, Yammy." Szayel whispered. "Seeing as we're hollow, it's physically impossible to do such an action."
"Well then, why do we all have toilets in our apartments? And where does all the tea that we drink go?" Nnoitra uttered.
"Who knows, those are the wonders of Aizen and Hueco mundo."
Lees Meer..