The Charge Of The Muscovite Raid Unsuspectedly, out of the blue The classic Putin shifts into play, Wanting to (what's the right word?) 'Protect' ethnic Russians at the border - 'Protect' the piece of cloth. So Russia beckons to Simferopol: "Come on, come back to the Empire; Crimea, you have nothing to lose but your freedom Are you eyes not seeing Seeing The futility of a referendum? Drop your luxuries, your oil, your liberty. Now Hold your yellow palm of surrender up For the Empire's inspection." Of course not next to America in this decision, Obama knew that Russia had blundered. We know what you want, Putin: Step out from the shadows Rise like lions from slumber And in effect, dismember your weak neighbours. (Based on the AQA Anthology #poems and the situation in the Crimea)
The Orchid
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