Our Sea' - for my sister My headphones go in - to escape - This racket in my mind, that storms and boils a sea of thought where no way out I find. In the past I felt as if my lungs had filled, weighed down. My vision blurred, my heart lost hope, as I began to drown. But somehow every time I neared the bed of this deep sea, you would come - my little sister - Come and rescue me. Thankfully this roaring ocean for me did calm, did sleep. I felt so free, a warmth inside And sailed above the Deep. But you , my little sister, amidst my calming height, found a darker, rougher sea of your own to fight. I want to come and pull you out this darkness, great and vast. But I don't know how you did cope to save me from the last. I feel that you are disappearing, drowning in that Blue. All I crave is my old boat. Then I can sail to you. Where do I start without a boat To guide us to the Calm? When all I think is that this storm draws waves across your arm. All I know's a certain truth - that I will search Our Sea, until I find my little sister And help her to sail free.
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Cataract / Stevo Owens
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Cataract / Stevo Owens
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