I\'m married to my husband Edward we have a little girl called Renesmee (Nessie) we have many friends, even ones in Arendelle, Corona and Portune. My sisters in law are Alice and Rosalie, although they are more like my real sisters! Jasper and Emmit are my Brothers in law. There a bit weird, I have to say! Although they are very protective over renesmee especially Jacob who is my bestfriend! And acts like Nessies brother. We have cousins all over the place, such as Denali Tanya and Irina, Irina unfortunately did something terrible which resulted to her death, although we still all loved her. We also have many friends in Forks. We have also made friends with a new family, Tara\'s family due to Nessie making new friends at school. Yes...the Volturi are still at us, spying on Renesmee all the way! So that\'s me, Bella Cullen.
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