1863 Chapter 2 When Izzy woke up the streams of sun were blazing in her face. "Sunday," she murmured slightly. "Sunday... #poem... Social studies...Thumper..." "#poem!" She sat up immediately. Izzy quickly slipped on her bunny slippers and raced downstairs. She looked at the clock 7:30 "Good, two hours all to my self" She sighed of relief. She started. Chains. Chains. Chains. My #life would be all mixed up to slave the white both day and night. "Hmm, I need to come up with a brilliant add on to that to get a good grade. Something that rhymes with Chain... Plane, Plains!" Chains. Chains. Chains. My #life would be all mixed up to slave the white both day and night. The aces I would have down on the plains planting sobbing, moaning of pain scarlet fever has broken out. All the white do is shout. Get up you lazy bag of bones for it is us who own the royal thrones. The sick ones left to die in pain no family food or water all day none of us will survive because the whites thought we were not to thrive. "Well look at that." Said Izzy "thirty minutes left and I finished my #poem." To relax Izzy got some cereal and turned on the TV. Her freakishly cute cat that looked like a bunny, Thumper, jumped up next to her. "Hey Thumps." Yawned Izzy. "What do you want to watch?" Little Thumper just stared at what was already on. "C'mon Thumper! Not another marathon of the Doodle Bops!" After that well, Thumper jumped off.
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