"What the f*ck was that?!" Exclaimed Jill. Tom just stood there, petrified... Jill turned to face the weatherboard walls- on the other side was Amy's apartment, all they could here was screeching and whimpering. Tom finally spoke, "Amy" was all he said. Jill and Tom were twins but they in no way looked alike. Jill had beautifully long, blonde hair whilst Tom a dark short cut. Tom had 3 cute freckles on his nose and Jill had none at all. But one thing that was alike between them? They were elementals. Fire elementals to be precise. Jill slowly burnt a hole through the wall just big enough to see through to Amy's apartment. Tom looked through the gap, saw Amy , kicked a hole in the wall and ran to her. But then just all of a sudden he , just - vanished! To be continued if you guys like it..
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