This Is My Dream (Chapter One) "And hit it, hit it, hit it!" Maddy's dance teacher boomed. He was acting like she was professional. For Maddy's thoughts, 11 years old was faaarrrr from, well yeah professional She always thought. Well at least since she was eleven and other years. "And Boom, Ha! Slide, hit hit! Good job Madison! Come back next week to learn more!" "Okay! Thanks Mr.Will!" Maddy approved. Maddy decided to walk to the warm up/cubby rooms/gymnasium room and went go sit in her corner. The Special corner that was exactly 90° the ready were off 90. She Maddy slid her back down the wall with her heels in front of her so she wouldn't have to work more to sit down. And since it was loud Maddy decided she could sing quietly. "Many nights we've preyed, with no proof anyone could hear." Then Maddy's best friend Hallie sat down and joined in.-"In our hearts a hopeful song! We barely understood. There can be miricals when you believe. Though hope is frail it's hard to kill." Maddy froze right at the spot Alyssa sang one more split second and froze too. As they looked around everyone was staring in well, amazement? One person no two no the whole gymnasium/warm up room/cubby room was clapping! Maddy pulled Alyssa up (who was still staring in shock) and took a bow. A dancer named Hallie came running up to them. "Girls, that was really good." She started like she had a surprise. "So I was a singer till I was six and I still have my producers card if you want it." Hallie rocked back and forward on her feet. "I think you guys would do incredible." She took the card out of her jacket and gave it to Maddy. and watched Hallie walk out of the room. "Hmm" Maddy thought. company Blue Producer Bryson Spazz "Nice fake name!" Alyssa laughed. "Yeah." Maddy even had to smile. "She looked out the window. "Oh sorry my moms here." Said Maddy. "Oh it's ok! Are you gonna ask your mom if we can sing more?" Asked Hallie "Hmm, I'm not sure... YES! Would you think I wouldn't? To be a successful sing is on my list of dreams." The friends both laughed walked to the parking lot together. "Bye." Said Alyssa faking to push Maddy. "Bye." Maddy pretended to puch her in slow motion. It waz there like thing it was stupid, but thingish.
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