My Story I was stuck in the shed with a stranger in the house shouting and screaming he knew what he was looking for.. me. My heart started pumping as i heard the stairs creek loudly, I shut my eyes so I wouldnt see the nightmare that was 10 feet away from me. There he was staring at the garden wandering around until he stopped tiptoed to the shed where I was hidden. I stopped breathing, I lost my balance and crashed into the lawn mower and he crashed through the door and grabbed me " You cant run away anymore, this is the end and it will finally happen me and alone in the house." he said. "I dont want to!" I cried. "I will force you..." he replayed, I wish I didnt have to be so beautiful. He went inside carring me in his hands, he dropped me onto the coach. "Take off your clothes." "No" "Ok then if ypu want to do it the hard way." He stood infront of me and clung onto my top and undid the buttons, I push him away but he wont go, he left my bra on which was unusual but then he he grassped my shorts undid the buttons, my shoes gone all that was left was my bra and knickers... TO BE CONTINUED
Stripoff Club Well, I was doing in the middle of a modelling process for women's lingerie then I saw my agent giving photographer my ticket to my angel stipoff club tonight --110pm-- It was time, I put on my peacock feathered panties and my peacock patterned ribbon that only hid my nipples my hair and makeup was done. I stood behind the curtains 1 2 3 open the curtains revealed the beautiful angel that was me I walked swaying my ass around men whistled and clapped as I climbed on to the pole the music started and the night became alive I started from the bottom of the pole pushing my body against it wrapping my legs around it and gradually travelling up the pole my first visitor came to greet me with a tenner that he slid with to fingers on my right boob down underneath the ribbon then another feller came to me with a twenty he was a sexy man by the look of it and came and slid it down my pantie around my ass I came of the pole and grasped his front of his t-shirt then he came over and spanked me and squeezed my ass a man brought a chair onto the stage I pushed him onto it and parted my legs and down face to face with him everyone cheering saying YES YES I took of his t-shirt and there it was BAM an 8 pack. I pushed my body against his and put my hands through his hair and kissed him, the director was furious and grabbed me and I was fired. I always wanted to have a fun, sexy long term relationship with someone please like or comment if you are the one. Thank you x
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