The Anal Sex - Finally Did It Yes, I’ve mostly been opposed to anal sex. I’ve always felt there’s a reason why women have a hole designed specifically to please guys – and that it’s stupid to go for “second best.” But I’m a hunter. I prefer to know, rather than think and believe. So instead of arguing with people who like anal sex, I’ve kept a relatively low profile. I hate it when people have opinions about movies and books they haven’t read, in the same way I can’t make any statements about anal sex until I’ve tried it. And now I have. And it wasn’t with Elaine, even though we still live together. Not with Brook either. I went to a southern town last weekend, together with three buddies. I'm not going to tell you which city we were in, but everyone had a drawl and called us "honey" a lot. We drank fairly heavily. I haven’t tried home brew since I was seventeen, but Mike brought something close to 96%. That burned! We kept the bar busy, ordering strawberry mojitos (didn’t even know they existed) and rocked the dance floor. I went over to the bar again, and while I stood there waiting for the hot, red-haired bartender lady to mix our drinks, two girls came up to me. One, very up front – almost cheeky, with deep cleavage (I’d guess a good C-cup) and slim hips. The other, modest, with a top that went almost up to her neck. But it didn’t manage to hide some huge advantages. We’re talking size (silicone of course – I got to touch them one hour later – in a corner of the dance floor – she was so proud of them). The girls were sisters, but since the one with the huge jugs had just given birth and planned to get married in the summer, I quickly turned my focus on her little sister. Have to admit that to me girls with southern accents sound a bit retarded. Possibly she was, too. Kidding! Good mood on the dance floor, mild making out and lovely sexy dancing. «Do you want to come up to my hotel room afterwards,» I asked. «Yes, that would be nice,» she immediately replied. Sixteen minutes later her big sister was safely out of the way with the rest of my guys, and I and her twenty-three-year-old sister were on our way up to room 512. Once inside we started making out right away, and I touched her boobs. Real stuff. Tight and good. Nice! «You…» she says. Fuck, I think. If she's having her period or some crap now – then I’ll lose it. «Yes?» I say and smile. «Do you have a condom?» Of course I don’t have a condom. Condoms suck. Even though they’re smart. «No», I honestly reply. «That might be a problem?» «Yes. We can’t do anything without a condom.» She seems adamant. Shit, I think. Now the night is ruined. Out with the right hand and let it do the job. Alone in the shower. Fuck. But then the babe quickly says, «But I can run out to get some!» Wow, that's a new one on me. Here I thought the evening was dead, but she’s keen to go out in the middle of the night to get condoms for me. Haha. What joy. In my confusion I give her my card and the pin code. She leaves and seems to be gone a long time. A loooong time. I’m pretty drunk, on the verge of getting sick, and think paranoid thoughts: “Uh… did she run off with my card and the pin code?” Suddenly all the stories of female con artists run though my mind, and I don’t even have her phone number. Before I’m totally grabbed by panic and start calling the police or worse, there’s a knock on the door. She’s back. And still horny. Nice. I rip off her clothes and throw her on the bed. Beautiful boobs, tiny nipples. Dark hair, quite long, with short fringe. I pull off her panties. Yes! Small, nice pussy with a minimum of hair. Only a treasure map that shows the way to the cave of pleasure. I lick her, she moans. She’s fucking wet. I kiss her all over her body before I stick my cock straight in her mouth. She sucks me hard. I can feel I’m drunk, because the feeling on the top of my dick is reduced. Actually it’s only okay, because tonight I just want to fuck hard – and long. And that's difficult with an overly sensitive cock that just wants to spurt the woman full. I pull out of her mouth, and suck hard on her clitoris. She moans and shouts “take me” so loudly that I fear people will complain to the hotel about the noise. On with condom number one. She spits on her fingers and rubs the gob on her pussy. A bit arousing, but if I had been sober I might have reacted to it. No, I don’t give a shit anyway. I place the condom wrapped cock at the opening of her cooch and push myself in. One fuck, and I’m in. She arches her back in pure pleasure. She’s not that narrow. A bit strange, since the pussy looks so small from the outside. But still waters run deep, isn’t that what they say? Anyway, I take her from all angles, from the front, from the back, on the bedside, on the floor, her on top (fucking good at riding) and the boobs are cool shit. I change condoms twice, to prevent her getting sore (even though she’s so drunk she probably won’t notice). After a while I get physically tired (it’s been a long day, you know), and we take a break. Out of nowhere I ask her: «Have you had anal sex?» «Yes,» she replies. «How do you feel about it?» «It’s a bit teasing. Have you?» «No,» I honestly reply and continue, «I don’t know if I actually want to either, because I think it’s a bit dirty.» She surprises me with her answer, «Sex is supposed to be dirty. Do you want to try it now?» «I have no idea about how we do it, but don’t you need plenty of gel for it to be okay?» She's far more experienced than I am about it. «We have spit. Nature’s own gel is good enough!» Right. Spit lady. And that’s the start of something I in hindsight have some trouble swallowing. She starts sucking and smacking like no one I’ve ever seen, gathering enough spit to prepare hole number two for use. Since we’ve already been doing it for a while and are tired, there’s little spit in her mouth. Dry as sandpaper. «I’m out of spit,» she says. «Okay?» I'm not all that disappointed. «You have spit too, you know.» I spit in my hand several times and rub the gob outside the new condom. You’d think I had sneezed all over it. After five minutes of spitting and coughing the southern belle is ready too, and she lies down on her side. «Lay down behind me,» she orders me. «Okay,» I say and reach around and hold her tight. She tells me to remain still, she’ll do it all. Then she grabs my cock and steers it towards her anus. In the next thirty seconds she calmly and gently pushes herself on me, and breathes aroused. I don’t do anything but just lay there with my cock at the right angle. «Now you’re in, you can do me a bit. But don’t go too far out and in, and do it slowly,» the woman whispers to me. As I already said the condom and the booze made my penis head numb, but I can clearly feel the difference between this place and the wet cooch I had visited earlier. It’s tight, quite cool. I swing my hips back and forth. She moans. Is it really happening now? I almost have to pinch my arm. Finally I’m trying anal sex, I think to myself while my cock is working deep inside her. To make certain she isn't faking it, I stick a couple of fingers in her cooch. Very weird to finger a woman at the same time I’m actually fucking her! Cool. I get aroused and suddenly I fuck a bit harder. The belle screams. «Sorry!» I say and pull out slowly. «No, don’t apologize, it’s fine – it was nice. Did you like it?» «I thought it was kinky,» I answer and pull off the condom that has been deep inside her anus before I get a chance to look at it. Don’t think there was any muck on it, but better to be safe than sorry. After this I’m mentally exhausted, and she’s tired. She came twice, so she was happy. Worse for me, though. I still have a boner in need of satisfaction. But without a condom it’s no good. So I say. «Hey, I have no diseases. It would be incredibly nice to do you without a condom. Okay?» «Sorry mac, we don’t know each other well enough. Condom today, next time we might try without.» At the time I have to admit I was a bit disappointed by that, but the next day I congratulated myself, happy I hadn’t expose myself to chlamydia or worse. She calmly went to sleep, and I laid next to her and fell asleep too. Two hours later I woke up. Not because I was sick from the booze as you might think, but because my cock is so fucking hard. I still haven’t come, and I need to ejaculate. She's sound asleep, so no help there. I take matters into my own hands, one hand on her boob, and the other on the shaft and pull off. Thirty seconds later my belly is full of sperm. Of course I regret not keeping her awake after the anal sex to jerk her in the face or something, but you can’t have it all. But cooch and anal is a good replacement. The next morning we part. I get her number, but I don’t give her mine. I say I’ll send a message next time I’m in town, and she’s ready for another round. Nice!
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