The Problem Is Our Thinking
So many problems are caused by flawed thinking. The problem is, however, that most of the thinking that causes the problems is hidden from us. It is thinking that has been done by others. It is thinking from the past, society, parents, leaders and the media. This thinking has given us a set of ideas that lie inside us unnoticed. It is these ideas that we have inherited that inform our approach to the world. The problem with this is that some of this thinking is bad and causes us problems. For instance, thinking that we have a never ending supply of oil will cause us problems, thinking that our culture is the best culture will lead to intolerance and racism. When these problems occur we don't ever stop to question the thinking that lead to them and try and change how we think. Instead we think of solutions and cause more flawed thinking. And so the process goes on bad thinking begets bad thinking. So instead of automatically trying to think of a solution to the worlds problems look at the thinking that lead to it. Problems such as criminal behaviour won't be solved by locking criminals away but looking at the thinking that creates criminal behaviour. This is harder as it involves questioning the ideas we have about the world and the assumptions which we rest our world view on. It requires the ability to say 'yes how I thought about the world was wrong ' and to admit our mistakes is never easy. But until we stop and look at the way we see the world and our thought processes we will only ever add more problems to our existing problems.
Lucius Lannister
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