übersetzen   13 Jahre

Birthdays I have never really understood birthdays. They tragically seem to me just like every other day. You expect this deep change to occur within you when you reach the end of another year of #life. To wake up on your birthday feeling like a new person, different changed special. But in the dawns half awake light you feel remarkably the same. You look the same, you think the same, in fact if you had not seen the date you wouldn't even know that I was your birthday. You don't feel any older or any wiser when it's your birthday. But maybe birthdays aren't about you and a change within you, but they are for other people. A birthday is when others get to celebrate the #life of another person and show appreciation that they are alive and in their lives. Perhaps, this is why I don't get, or like them. Is that it's a day in which it's almost unavoidable to be the centre of attention when everyone is looking to you, but you have done nothing to deserve being the centre of attention. Birthdays to me are an enigma something that I half understand and can appreciate the significance of for others but for myself it all seems superfluous and unneeded. After all we should celebrate being alive everyday and appreciate people all through the year and not on just one day.

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