The Double S Kitty Adventures Chapter 7: The Chase Begins "Meow meow, meow meow," when she came into view, The air grew colder, the wind then chillingly blew. She had all the creatures that lurked, following in her path. We knew in this war, she would bring much wrath. "Meow meow, meow meow,” she gave an evil grin. It spread from her cheeks, down to her chin. Her sharp white teeth glinted in the moonlight. For we knew what she’d use them for, a death bite. “Meow meow, meow meow,” her yellow eyes twinkled, And within those golden eyes, evil was sprinkled. The black pupils that mocked a snake, Was as thin as a claw scratch that I wanted to make. “Meow meow, meow meow,” her pelt in the moonlight shimmered. Sparkles flecked within her pelt did glitter. Her silky fur mottled with browns and burgundies, Within her gene pool, you saw no deformities. “Meow meow, meow meow,” she was well fed, Despite the lack of prey that this year sparsely spread. Her ribs did not show and her body was plump. Her muscles rippled through her body, making multiple lumps. “Meow meow, meow meow,” she glided closer. We held our ground as she grew slower. She stopped at our feet, And then proceeded to glared at us as an evil greet. “Meow meow, meow meow,” what was in store? Had we just crossed into the path of hell, did we just open the door? We knew the answer yet didn't know why, What did we do to set her over the edge on which would cause us to die? “Meow meow, meow meow” we did know something, That we were on her list, that this day would be coming, Yet we had always thought she would be more secretive. That she would give us something like a sedative. “Meow meow, meow meow,” that she would induce our sleep and kidnap us all. To torture and make us watch each other die, to make us feel oh so small, But she had something different in mind, She wanted to kill us with a lot of blood entwined. “Meow meow, meow meow,” she commanded her army. They followed every command entirely. She then finally growled out some words, “I've heard you've been trying to locate some of Ruth birds. Meow meow, meow meow,” she hissed at us then, “That's why for y'all, today is the end If y'all could make this easy for me and not put up too much of a fight, Then it'll go smoothly and for you, it'll be a better night. Meow meow, meow meow,” being the hothead Smudge was, He took a step towards Beth and unsheathed his claws. They glinted so bright. You could tell they were sharp by how they hit the moonlight. “Meow meow, meow meow” Smudge growled under his breath, “You'll never be ol Ruth, find the chest, or put us to death.” A sort of smirk grew on her face, “Then I guess we shall have to enter the chase. Meow meow, meow meow,” the creatures moved forward, And all in sync, they bordered the corners. We knew there was only one way out, And that was from out of this world, we'd be locked out.
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