Translate   8 years ago

The Double S Kitty Adventures Chapter 3: Simon and the Salmon Dinner, Cat Nip Chest "Meow meow, meow meow, its me again, Im here. Smudge has been all grumpy, From the lack of prey this year. "Meow meow, meow meow, I'm gonna cheer him up, What you y'all think? A fish bone cup? No no no no, thats not the best, I've got the find salmon dinner, cat nip chest. Meow meow, meow meow, this chest, there's only one, And no ones been able to located it, no its never been done. But we will find it, I know we will. It will be the journey of a #life-time, but these plans to Smudge we won't spill. Meow meow, meow meow," I mewed with now a distinct whisper, "The fish in that trunk, are crisper then crisper. Every cats dream to find this savory death, But little do they know, its in the ol' town of Greth. Meow meow, meow meow, as we've already established, Me, you, and Smudge have made our name on Beth's blacklist. And one thing she wants more then the treasure, Is to take my moms name, and be number one hit man forever. Meow meow, meow meow, only one way she could achieve, To kill us all, for no one to grieve, But that won't happen, cause we're the best of the best, And we'll fight her off, till her death. Meow meow, meow meow, the ol' town of Greth, It has witnessed so, so much, unwanted death. And if you ask why, you know their names, Ol' Queen Beth and my mother are to blame. Meow meow, meow meow", I said with a warning, "We musn't chit chat, Nightfall is coming, only 30 hours till morning. Most danger lurks here, in the night of ol' Greth, You must watch every footstep and not take a breath, But most of all keep your eyes peeled for ol' Queen Beth. Meow meow, meow meow, but like I already said, We are the only kitties around, and Beth wants us dead. We must stay stealthy tonight, and watch from all sides, And if we see Beth, hold yourself up with pride. Meow meow, meow meow, cause pshe can smell fear, From a mile away, she could spike you with a spear, But if you hold your ground and prepare to fight. We might make it out alive, and survive the night."

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