Guide To Dating For Girls. Chapter one: introduction. Okay, writing isn't really my thing and It never really has been but when it comes to things I know a lot about I open my mouth and can't help but give advice, that's when people say 'oh you should write a book or a blog or something' I didn't really think about it until the other day, now I've decided to write it down. I've started with a blog about dating, I hear it's one of my strong points as I have set up and helped a lot of people with relationships, and I have had quite a few myself, now I wouldn't call myself an expert because I'm not, I would say that I always say the right thing and what people want to hear and that quite often comes in handy when helping people with relationships or 'crushes' now this blog is just to help people if they are having confidence issues with crushes or just want a boyfriend but they are too scared to set the mark, I hope you enjoy it and it helps you. Chapter two: Girls can make the first move too. I know there are people telling you 'you should let the boy come to you' that's true but how is the boy supposed to know that your interested if you just sit there waiting for him to notice you? He isn't. You need to set the mark, I know you will probably feel desperate inside but boys never think about anything, they won't be thinking your desperate unless you harass them by spamming them with 'hellos' so leave a little comment on their post on Instagram or face book, or drop them a little 'hi x' and if they reply thats when the conversation gets started so that's what I mean by making the first unnoticeable move its small but it gets them talking and into conversation. Chapter three: Approaching and pulling. Okay, now for the hard part at the moment you've got them hooked but you need to keep the conversation interesting or they won't be interested, so if you say 'hello' and they reply with 'hi' then you get the conversation so you say like 'how are you' or 'what you up to' or 'I haven't spoken to you in a while' that will take them into a conversation, have a chat about #life and how they're doing and how your doing and if the chat gets boring and he's thinking of stopping talking then the game truths is always good for 1. Finding out things about them 2. Having a bigger chat, truths is where you ask them a question and they have to answer truthfully, start off with questions where you ask about their #life or if they have any secrets, then as you get deeper into conversation that's when you start asking 'best looking girl you know' or 'top three best looking girls you know' if your in either of those lists then your in there, remember truths is both sided questions so make sure you answer his carefully, for example if he asks who your top three best looking boys are, put him second because that shows your not desperate for him but you find him attractive, on e you have hit this part of the questions you can ask him just about anything, like 'would you ever go out with me' or 'would you rather me or (one of the other girls in his top three)' if he's answering positively then your defiantly half way there if not then you should probably start to be a bit blunt, like answer with one or two word answers, or stop talking to him you deserve better, your beautiful, everyone if beautiful in their own way you just need to find the right person that's going to treat you like gold, if they don't seem interested then act like your not interested. Chapter four: Hints. Leaving hints always earn you bonus points and help you out, for example 'I think your hot' or 'your really good looking' with a little cheeky face like this ☺️ that makes them think you have confidence and your quite cheeky which is what boys like in a girl, more hints are things like 'apparently you treat girls really well' or 'I've heard that your relationships last a while' saying things like this will make them feel good because girls have been talking about him and It will show you if he's a player and if he treats girls like crap, if he is a player and if he does treat girls like crap then babe you need to get out of his trap quickly before you fall for him, if he doesn't then don't fall to quickly because if you start liking him a lot it's going to make you desperate, for example your going to be waiting for him to text back and your going to be putting statuses about how he's blanking you and that's going to make him not want to talk as much, where as if your the one playing hard to get and blanking him a bit then that makes him desperate for you and then the ball is in your court. Chapter five: playing hard to get. Playing hard to get is my favourite thing to do, it makes you look less desperate and him more desperate which is what you want, if he's getting Eager to talk to you and texting you all the time then you've pulled and he wants you, unless your in the friend zone which is something I'll tell you about later, if you've got him desperate to talk to you then that's when you start flirting but take a while to reply no one likes someone who replies straight away you are then putting the ball back in his court, so take your time replying and try and make what you send short but sweet then that makes him want to talk more for compliments, DO NOT give him a compliment unless he compliments you first otherwise it will look like your fishing for compliments and that's not where your aiming, don't make him look too desperate otherwise it might get annoying for you and then it will take your attention away and you will have to start again with someone else. Chapter six: The friend zone. Right, the friend zone is not a nice place and I wouldn't want you to end up there, it's not very likely that you end up there at this stage but I'm just explaining that it's possible, the friend zone normally comes out in truths, the boy will probably ask you if he should ask out some girl or he will start talking about someone else, that's when you know for definite your in the friend zone and to step back, once your in the friend zone it's hard to get out so don't go falling for the boy before you know where you stand, because I'm pretty sure that if you fall for him then get put in the friend zone it will hurt a lot, trust me I've been there. I don't think anyone wants to be in the friend zone but It will probably happen at some point in your #life and just avoid falling for them then finding out he doesn't like you he likes someone else. Chapter seven: What happens next. Your probably wondering what happens after you've pulled and started talking, well it depends on the boy and wether he asks you out or if you need to keep hinting, if you've got to this stage and he's asked you out then go for it girl you've got nothing to loose, if you get to this stage and he's still playing with your heart then try sending him a little sentence saying 'look I've liked you for a while and haven't said anything I don't know if you feel the same' then that will defiantly set him on the right course at this point it can either go really well with him asking you out, or really bad with him putting you in the late friend zone, if you get put in the friend zone then just talk to him as a friend or not at all because if you beg for him that's going to make you loose your dignity and once you've lost that you've lost everything, if you find it easier to stop talking to him then just stop it doesn't Matter there will always be someone else. Chapter eight: Relationship advice. Now you've finished the hard part you go on to the fun part, changing statuses and telling friends, but don't be one of those girls who always call and always text like some over protective maniac, that will not end well for you, be a laid back girlfriend that trusts her boyfriend but is always cautious when he's around other girls, because he needs to earn your trust by proving that he can have friend girls without any flirting involved, because when you start hearing roomers about him flirting with other girls that's when the relationship goes crash, without trust in a relationship there's nothing and you need to know that you can trust him before you start dating him, otherwise the relationship might not end well, you just need to be laid back with some ground rules. Chapter nine: Men All men are the same, they use and play girls and that's not fair, you have the nice boys that will treat you like gold but aren't the best looking and then you have the bad boys that everyone goes for and are extremely good looking, I'm pretty sure most of you girls have been out with a lot of bad boys and it hasn't ended good at all, your probably wanting a relationship that lasts a while and doesn't end on that bad notes, if you want that then you need to start going out with the nice boys, because they may not be the best looking but they are the best to build up your confidence, I can tell you I have been out with a lot of bad boys that turn out to be pigs and I'm still looking for my prince, but trust me I moved on to the good boys a while ago and I wouldn't go back I'm telling you honestly, because I went through a phase in my #life where I was going out with a lot of bad boys and my self confidence was at zero, but I've moved onto the good boys and now my confidence is sky high again because they may not be the best looking but there the best at making you feel amazing about yourself and if your a nice person then you will let their personality shine through and love them for who they are, my last relationship lasted three months I know that's not long at all but my last relationship with a bad boy lasted three weeks, it's quite a big difference. You are beautiful, never doubt that no matter what anyone says, you are beautiful. And there is someone out there for everyone so Don't give up hope I also do questions about issues you have on my Instagram which is @_maiahxbbs All my love Maia Hobbs Xxx and move on because you deserve better than someone who's doesn't think the world of you, your beautiful. Everyone is,
Grace H.
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