Dove And Dawn
Did you ever feel like you didn't matter? Or feel like you never had a voice, well that was me, my name is Dove. I know what it's like because my sister was the only one in my family that mattered. Dawn had it all, the confidence I never had and the voice I could never find. "Oh Dove are you really trying to blame your journey on me?" that was Dawn and to answer her question yes I am because she has always been the fav in the family. Even Liam, the guy I like thinks so. Anyway the journey was tough but at the same time tons of fun. Do you want to hear abut it? "No they don't Dove!" shut up Dawn. Really? You do? awesome lets start at the beginning when the idea of the journey came into my head for the first time.
Chapter one
Friday morning I was at my locker putting away what I didn't need, taking out what I did need, you know the usual. "Hey Dove, what is going on with you? Even in English when we were in our small groups you were even quieter than usual." Thankfully it was not my annoying sister Dawn, it was Alani and she is one of my best friends. "Hey Alani, I guess I was just lost in my thoughts again." This has been a pattern for me lately and I don't know why. "Alani,".... Just as I was about to ask Alani something Brooklyn came up. "Hey guys you won't believe this." Brooky was very excited to tell us, it was subtle but it was in her voice. "Dove my new lab partner for chemistry, is Liam!" I couldn't believe the words that I just heard from Brooky. "Brooky are you serious? You better not be playing a trick on her." Thankfully Alani was right there for me. "Dead serious Alani, and Dove he was asking about you." I could not shut my mouth no matter how many times Alani closed it.
During second period the only thing I could even think about was what he might have said about me and of course him. So second period is study hall and Dawn, Brooklyn, Alani, Aletha, Berlin, and Liam are all in my study hall. "Hey Dove look there's Liam" I looked over and saw him looking straight at me. I smiled in panic then I looked back to Dawn and said "what do I do?" Dawn thought for a minute and said "BRB" when Dawn came back to the commons I saw that she was carrying my guitar case. "Dove you're lucky that I just so happen to know that he loves music." What was Dawn thinking?! She knows I am too scared to talk to him let alone sing for him. I shook my head "no, no way." Dawn looked at me in confusion, "Dove why not? You're eventually gonna need to talk to him. Now is your chance." Dawn was right giving me her hand I took it and we went in the corner closest to where he Liam and his friends were hanging out. While I took my guitar out and got set up, Dawn went and got us a couple of chairs. "Are you ready Dove?" Shaking my head I took my guitar and case then left. "Hey Dawn, is Dove okay?" Dawn looked to see who was asking and just my luck it was Liam. "Liam I honestly don't know" Dawn took his wrist and said "follow me I know where she went."
Chapter two
"Dove? Are you okay?" I looked up to see that Dawn and Liam had followed me. I nodded and Liam said, "hey Dove, what happened? I was looking forward to hearing you play and sing." He sat down next to me, why did he do that my stomach is flipping out of control. "I get really shy around you" I really wanted to tell him how I felt, "Dove, if you were that scared to play guitar for me you could have just pulled me out where no one could hear you except for me." He was right, I guess I was just too scared to talk to him again. "Dawn could you give us a second?" Dawn nodded and left us alone. "So...... Now my only question for you is can you play something for me? Please just one song?" Taking a breath I nodded and started to play a song I listen to all the time when I finished I looked at Liam and he was speechless.
Back in the commons no one had a clue of what just happened I was just about to go back to my sister and my friends when Liam grabbed my wrist "Where are you going? Come with me." I looked at Dawn and shrugged my shoulders, it didn't take long for me to realize that he was bringing me over to the table where he and his friends were hanging out. "Liam please don't make me talk." Liam smiled at me in understanding. "Hey Liam who da chick" that was Ely, he is an idiot. "Ely this is not a chick, this is a girl, and her name is Dove." I waved but didn't say anything "she is really shy, but she can really play guitar." Okay thank you but where is this going off to? "Really? Can you play for us Dove?" I stood there frozen. "Colton she is really shy and she just met you." Lucky for me, Dawn came over "Dove, come here I am so glad you're okay. Now what's going on over here?" I gave Colton the evil eye and he answered "I asked Dove to play guitar for us, but Liam said she is too scared. Boo hoo!" Colton was so mad that I gave him another evil glare and he shut up. "So Liam can we steal my sister back?" Liam nodded and added "Dove can you and I meet up after school today for a jam session?" Dawn shook me and then responded, "yea she would love to, why don't you follow us to our house after school." Liam gave the cool sounds good look and said, "okay I will find you after school then."
As phsyced as I was, I could not think about anything except for what I was going to do about Dawn being the family favorite and what I was gonna do to breakout of my shell and find my voice. So that day in school I decided that when everyone was asleep, I would leave to start my journey. The only detail I had left was how I was gonna tell my sister.
-------end of chapter two first section-----------
After school I could not wait for Liam to come over to my house, it will give me a chance to play a song for him that I was working on. "Hey Dove, I can't wait to jam out at your house. Are you ready?" I nodded and said "Dawn is already at her car so we can go meet up with her." We were just about in the parking lot when Colton jumped in front of us with Ely right behind us. "Yo homies where ya going?" I looked at Liam and shook my head "I'm going to Dove's house and before you ask no you can not come with us." Ely started talking gibberish "bra da na sa blah cool" Liam looked at Colton, "he said... I honestly don't know. Dove I just wanted to apologize for how I talked to you and your sister this morning. And I would love to hear you play guitar, maybe when you are ready." I looked at Colton and said "wow thanks that means a lot. I will let you know. Should we go Liam?" Nodding we said see ya later to his friends and then we were on our way to my house.
Chapter three
When we got to my house our parents were already home, if my dad saw Liam I know that he would get the wrong idea. "Dove, Dawn, is that you?" That was my mom "yeah mom it's us and our friend Liam." Dawn told us to go to my room and put the stay out we are studying sign on my door so no one would interrupt us. Liam took one look around my room and said "wow you really love music" he saw so many different instruments including a piano, keyboard, bass guitar, guitar, drums, and even stuff you would find in a recording studio. "I guess so. I have been playing since I was two, and I started singing when I was three." Liam walked over to my amp and picked up the lyric sheets that were on it and started reading them. "Wow these lyrics are really good. Did you write these?" I nodded, "If you want we could record them. With you on guitar and me on piano both parts are written." Liam nodded and said "I would love that just let me go get my guitar."
While I was setting up the recording equipment, Dawn had to call up to me "Dove, get down here, Dad met Liam and started interrogating him... Dad stop it... Dove hurry." As Dawn said I rushed downstairs to make my dad stop interrogating Liam. "Dove, why is this guitar boy here?" I don't think my dad understood that Liam was gonna record my song with me. "Daddy stop it, he is gonna record a song with me in my room that's all." Clearly my dad has some trust issues to deal with. Thankfully Liam spoke up, "hello sir, my name is Liam I go to school with your daughters." That just made my dad's day, "Well why didn't you say that about twenty minutes ago? So, I see you play the guitar. So does Dove, she is quite the little protege." Dad why did you say that? "Well daddy, I'm going to bring Liam to my room to record a song together." I took Liam's hand and brought him up back to my room so we could get started. With the song I mean, not that... Not that at all. "Sorry about my dad interrogating you Liam." I was so nervous "Dove it's fine. Hey, are you okay? You look like you need to talk. What's wrong?" Then the truth came out...
Indiana Jade
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