The Hunt We can kill them if we want to, We can play them with our dogs, Shot them when we want food, Shot them for no reason at all. But why must we do it? Killing these harmless creatures? Why? What fun do you gain? Is it that pumping in your veins? The Hunt. But why? I want an answer, And end to this, Our kin, That you feel you must kill. And my question, Is, Why? *devoted to the amount of foxes #life's that was lost thanks to The Hunt xxxx *inspired by The Animals of Farthing Wood.
Who Says Kids Are Too Young For Love? Who says kids are too young for love? Little babies kiss on You've Been Framed, Little children in the playground playing kiss catch, Little teens holding their boyfriends hand, Little adults hugging their boyfriends. Who says kids don't have feelings? Who says their too young for love? Parents, Before you start, Just relax, Because everyone can love. *not having a go at the adults on here by the way sorry if I offended you x
Help Me! Hi everyone I'm pretty mature but I'm looking for a bit of adult guidance, please help. I got this app earlier and it's about all ancient civilizations and ancient technology (I learnt about it at school once and it's awesome) but scary. I was looking at a Mayan calendar on this app and I come across a doomsday. You see the Mayan calendar suddenly stops on December 21st 2012. I'm really scared that the world will end, I know, I know, doomsdays never work out. But Wikipedia says that a planet is rapidly advancing towards earth and there could be a collision... I'm terrified and I'm really tired but I can't go to sleep with this on my mind! Help me out please!
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