The Road Pt 6 The eerie silence was spooking me. I tiptoed thorough the town, desperately searching for any sign of #life! Nothing. "What in the world?" and the unexplained vacuum cleaner was still nagging at my brain... I wandered aimlessly, looking for something that would give me a clue to what could have happened here.
The Road Pt 5 It was....a vacuum cleaner? What on earth was a vacuum cleaner doing all the way out in the woods? I scratched my head, trying to make sense of the situation. No luck. "oh well." I shrugged and continued walking along the road. The town came into sight and a feeling of relaxation washed over me, knowing I would easily reach my favorite coffee shop soon, the one place where I could just chill and escape from my problems. Only, as the town drew nearer, I recognized that thinks were not as they should be. Where were the cars? Where were the people? It was quiet, too quiet...
The Road Pt 4 The Outdoors was just what I needed. I strolled out of our yard, and onto the long, winding road that led into town. If only I could have seen what troubles lay I store for me! I would have gladly stayed inside the house and braved the wrath of my parents. Trudging along the street, my eye caught hold of a peculiar object, something that seemed out if place. I paused, turned toward the trees lining the road where I spotted the object, and gasped!
The Road Pt 3 After the lecture, I headed out the front door, angrily stomping as I did so. I needed to clear my head, blow off some steam, cool down, whatever, And the frosty air was just what I needed. I inhaled deeply through my nose, letting the various smells of leaves, trees, and grass wash over me. Ah! I was feeling better already.
Allison A.
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