lost part three I come back up for air. I had to. Underneath the surface of the lake all I could think about was the past. And I promised myself that I would do that as least as possible. What am I supposed to do now? Go back to school where everyone looks at me, like I'm contagious or something. As if they get too close, they'll catch a disease. It wasn't my fault, ya know. It was theirs. I wish the whole world would just stop. I wish I could stop; breathing, even living. Walking back up to the house is dreadful. Dragging my feet through the mud, slowly, painfully. The house is empty, not a soul. I've been alone for the past six years. Not a person has bothered to check on me. I bet no one even knows that I'm alone. Why would they? I don't speak, unless I have to. & I yet have to find something worthy of my breath.
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