Stretch Marks #myflawsareremarkable I got my first stretch mark at 12. It was a purple streak across my thigh and I had no idea what it was. At first I was confused and a little scared because I thought there was something wrong with me. I thought it would go though, so I soon forgot about it. About one year later though I started developing, what I now know to be as stretch marks, across the sides of my waist. They were huge and very purple. Neither of my parents had them, so when I showed them they had no idea what they were and seemed a bit taken aback. As you can imagine this did not help me at all with thinking they were anymore normal. A little while later I went to the doctors for an unrelated issues. Just as I was about to leave the doctor's office my mum decides to mention the issue to the doctor and I have to awkwardly lift up my shirt to show him. It was very embarrassing. I had them on the tops of my arms, sides of my waist, tops of my thighs and backs of my knees. Clearly his diagnosis was not satisfactory because sometime later I was at a friend's house. I had just had a lovely meal with her family when they started talking about my headaches. For some unknown, godforsaken reason my dad thought this would be the perfect time to bring up his daughters "weird skin issue" and make me show lift up my top to show everyone. They were very surprised when for some reason I refused. And it still didn't make my most embarrassing moments list... Even after all this I like them. I like how they look, they're unique and remind me of characters from books. I forget I even have them and it's only because I read an article that I remembered they were there. When I go to the beach or wear shorts, I don't even think about their existence I've had them so long. I don't understand why I'm supposed to hide them or cover them up. I've read so many posts online saying how horrid they are, seeing them as synonymous for ugly. I refuse to believe that people are disgusted by them and I want to live my #life as I see fit. So my dears if you feel the need, please #myflawsareremarkable a post and tell me what makes you unique.
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