Chapter 14
I woke up the next morning to a knock at my door. I swung my legs out of my bed and groaned. 9:45AM. Ugh.
Who would be here at this time in the morning? I threw on my black jacket and ran downstairs.
I knew who it was before I opened the door. I just had a strange feeling it was him and when I opened the door, there he was. Ethan. He was dressed in dark blue jeans and a Ramones shirt.
Ethan smiled at me and I giggled.
"Good morning" He greeted me before pecking me softly on the cheek.
"What are you doing here?" I said, smiling.
"I thought I'd take you out today"
"Yeah. If thats ok"
"Sure! Come in" Ethan stepped in the house and closed the door behind him. "I'll be right back." Just as I turned he grabbed my hand and stopped me. Our eyes met and for a few moments we just stood there. Then, he let go and I went upstairs...
Ethan was stood looking at a picture of me and my family when I got back downstairs. He turned to me.
"They look happy"
"They are" All it took was one look at my face to tell him something wasn't right. I begged him with my eyes not to make me explain and he obliged.
"Are you ready?" Ethan smiled, changing the subject. I nodded. "Let's go then"
As we walked out of the door, I caught my eye on Ethan's car. If it was his. He wasn't driving this last night! It was a shiny, jet black convertible. The seats were a clean and comfortable leather and, gosh, it looked like it could go fast.
"Is this..?" I started
"Mine? Yeah"
"You have two cars?" I didn't even have one and if he had two cars why did he walk from school?
"No. My friend let me use his. I like to impress, but I'm not taking my baby to a party for it to be ruined"
"Your baby?" I questioned, raising my eyebrows.
"The car..." I burst out laughing. "Stop laughing. She'll hear you" Ethan ran his hand over the top of the car. "This is a special car. I don't drive many people in here. In fact, you're the first girl to be driven in this car" I smiled, for some reason that made me happy. Ethan held the door open for me and I got in. I couldn't wait to find out where we were going.
We drove for about half an hour down a dirt road before we stopped. I took a look around me. A sign read 'Maze'.
Oh my gosh. My eyes widened.
"You're taking us in there?" I gasped
"Yeah" I smiled
"But won't we get lost?"
"That's the point of a maze. You're supposed to find your way out" He laughed. "Not scared are you?"
"No" We stepped out of the car and Ethan wrapped his arm around my neck. "We won't get lost" He assured me and then steered me towards the entrance.
I'm REALLY sorry I haven't posted in weeks. Seriously. I feel terrible.
I hope it was worth the wait.
It's just school and I had writers block and ugh. I'm sorry.
If you would like to contact me...
Kik: Twilightianalex
Wattpad: Twilightianalex
Twitter: Greenheartatack
Instagram:twilightianaieee and Greenheartattack
Opuss: Tweedledee
Voto: Aieee
Tumblr: Tweedledeealexandra
Vine: Alexandra Hagan
YouTube: Twilightianaieee
Ask. Fm: Aieeehagan
Mysteries ð¤ ð§
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