Abused and messed up, yea I know.
You think I need you to tell me that though?
I'm in control sexually,
And I decide what happens to me!
You get in a grump because one night I didn't put out,
Turn it into an argument and begin to shout!
So one night it didn't happen I wasn't feeling my best,
I needed time to think! Give it a rest!
I'm trying to change me and you're acting all glum,
For fucks sake is it that important to come?!
It's not like it's been forever just hold me!
Or lose me I'm not bothered you think so selfishly.
Leave me! can't be arsed I'm putting myself first,
I'd rather do that than the worst come to the worst.
I love sex so please don't get it twisted,
But there's more to my #life than you getting fisted!
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