I whimpered.
During my 'alone time' in my 'bedroom', I sat on my bed and cried.
I hate my #life.
Being a slave for the Volturi was bad enough, but it was even worse when your best friend had stopped seeing you and talking to you, meaning you couldn't see your blood sister or family.
There was no point in me existing.
"LAYLA!" Aro roared. I snapped to attention, ever since the Cullens had left me my curse had come back. "COME HERE!"
I walked into the throne room, and bowed.
"Yes Master?" I said.
"I have been informed that the Cullens have left you. Is this true?"
I gulped, holding back tears." Yes"
"In that case, we have a job for you. Find Rheanna, Alexis and Evie. Bring them here then wait for further instructions."
"Please, do not make me do this. I'm begging you."
"Are you refusing instructions?" Asked Caius
"N...no master. Ill do it." I replied
"Yes Layla.You will." Aro said "you are dismissed."
I hurried out of the room, under their glares.
And crumpled on the floor.
I had to bring my sister here? And two of the people who used to be my friends? I couldn't stop it though. They used my name.
I ran to the Cullens house, making sure no one heard. I could hear human heartbeats, so I located the room where Rheanna and Evie lay. I scooped them both up, and ran to find Alexis. I could hear her voice, but unfortunately she was in the living room with the rest of them.
"Sam, are you sure you want us to forget Layla?" Esme asked
"Yes." Growled Sam.
"But she could be killed by the Volturi!" Esme said
"I don't care. She is no longer a part of this family" Sam hissed
I gasped, exposing my position. Edward read my mind, and I was thinking about what the Volturi had asked me to do.
"Stop her!" Yelled Edward. I broke into a run, even though I knew Sam would teleport.
As if on cue, she appeared infront of me.
"I'm sorry," I whispered. I briefly touched her arm, and she fell to the ground. I ran on through the night, but suddenly someone had me in a headlock and was holding my arms so I couldn't use my power. I dropped the humans, and they woke up.
"What's happening?" Asked Evie.
"Nothing you need to know about." Said alice, as she took them back to sleep.
"Edward, why is she here?" Asked Rosalie
"She was bringing Evie, Rheanna and Alexis back to the Volturi." Edward revealed
They all gasped.
"What do we do with her? We can't let her go, she'll try again." Emmett asked
"I don't know," said Carlisle, " but I have an idea."
"Why can't we kill her? She's best buddies with Jane" Sam said
"No. " said Carlisle firmly " she can live with us but not as a member I the family. Emmett, jasper, you keep a close watch on her."
They nodded, and took me back to their house.
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