She Has A Point, You Know A nice little young lady from York Had her arse blocked just like a cork She walked round in fear, 'Till she had an idea And worked it all out with a fork! ##limerickery
She Has A Point, You Know A nice little young lady from York Had her arse blocked just like a cork She walked round in fear, 'Till she had an idea And worked it all out with a fork! ##limerickery
#haiku Challenge Results! Hello, and welcome to the results of this #haiku Challenge! *screaming and rapturous applause from the audience* Thank you, thank you. Now as you already know, today's theme was to create a #haiku on the theme of NEW THINGS. And, my word, did people deliver! The quality of the entries was sublime, and our judges (comprising of myself and no-one else) had a really hard time narrowing it down to the final few. But it has now been done, so without any further ado, let's reveal the winners! To start, a Special Mention must go to @Tisha for her work "First Muse". Whilst not technically a #haiku, it evoked the beautiful feeling of the new inspiration that you feel when you first tart to write. Well done. In 3rd place, @Stonker showed their *ahem* aptitude and skill with modern technology with the #haiku "Happy to be a Dinosaur". 'Twas witty, and straight to the point, and deserved of its placing here. In 2nd place is a #haiku that I felt captured the wonder of a "First Snow". @emmahine 's #poem was a breath of fresh air, and the beauty that is captured gave it it's placing here. But there can only be one winner, and that winner is @Scarlethot , for "Newbie". A different take on the theme, pushing it in a more political direction, highlighting the suffering of the poorest people of out world in just seventeen syllables. Now that's a feat. So there we have it! @Scarlethot , you have been crowned the champion of the #haiku challenge, and with that honour comes the right to choose the next theme! So that's all for today, and I'll see you all next time. Goodbye!
#haiku Challenge! Helloooooooo! So I'm back, and seeing as the #haiku challenge has been lost in the etherious regions of cyberspace, I thought now would be a good time to resurrect it. Apologies to whoever 'has' the challenge at them moment, it just had to be done. So, on to the topic! I'm now in my second week of university, and seeing as it's a time to experience NEW THINGS, that is what what this round of the challenge shall be about. (Bad English, I know) Note - these THINGS could be anything - be it a physical object, or a new/first experience that means something to you. Go wild! As I have noted that long challenges tend to wither and die towards the end of a tenure, I'll make this simple. Deadline for submissions (remember to tag @Splashdown in the comments) will be 3pm GMT tomorrow, and results posted a bit after that! Good luck everybody, and I want to see the best you can offer. So ready, set, WRITE! ##haikuchallenge
River Of Thoughts Wow So write I mean what is this Blank page you speak Of? I don't know but I Do know of it. It screams @ me WRITE SOMETHING but I can't WRITE words can't flow I can't even spell a jot When thoughts do come Autocorrect corrects when Thoughts flow but these are rubbish words but anything to Break the empty monopoly (board game?) that My quiet muse Wreaks upon my soul DOWN WITH CORPORATE BUSINESS Oh well it can't be stopped Unlike my muse She's sitting on my shoulder LAUGHING i'm shouting at her feebly write something and she's whispering YOU CAN'T YOU CAN'T YOU CAN'T But I get back at her. With this. This river of thoughts. This stream of words. Incoherent, but a start. Everything begins.
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