Traducciones   11 años

River Of Thoughts Wow So write I mean what is this Blank page you speak Of? I don't know but I Do know of it. It screams @ me WRITE SOMETHING but I can't WRITE words can't flow I can't even spell a jot When thoughts do come Autocorrect corrects when Thoughts flow but these are rubbish words but anything to Break the empty monopoly (board game?) that My quiet muse Wreaks upon my soul DOWN WITH CORPORATE BUSINESS Oh well it can't be stopped Unlike my muse She's sitting on my shoulder LAUGHING i'm shouting at her feebly write something and she's whispering YOU CAN'T YOU CAN'T YOU CAN'T But I get back at her. With this. This river of thoughts. This stream of words. Incoherent, but a start. Everything begins.

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