Translate   10 years ago

#haiku Challenge Results! Hello, and welcome to the results of this #haiku Challenge! *screaming and rapturous applause from the audience* Thank you, thank you. Now as you already know, today's theme was to create a #haiku on the theme of NEW THINGS. And, my word, did people deliver! The quality of the entries was sublime, and our judges (comprising of myself and no-one else) had a really hard time narrowing it down to the final few. But it has now been done, so without any further ado, let's reveal the winners! To start, a Special Mention must go to @Tisha for her work "First Muse". Whilst not technically a #haiku, it evoked the beautiful feeling of the new inspiration that you feel when you first tart to write. Well done. In 3rd place, @Stonker showed their *ahem* aptitude and skill with modern technology with the #haiku "Happy to be a Dinosaur". 'Twas witty, and straight to the point, and deserved of its placing here. In 2nd place is a #haiku that I felt captured the wonder of a "First Snow". @emmahine 's #poem was a breath of fresh air, and the beauty that is captured gave it it's placing here. But there can only be one winner, and that winner is @Scarlethot , for "Newbie". A different take on the theme, pushing it in a more political direction, highlighting the suffering of the poorest people of out world in just seventeen syllables. Now that's a feat. So there we have it! @Scarlethot , you have been crowned the champion of the #haiku challenge, and with that honour comes the right to choose the next theme! So that's all for today, and I'll see you all next time. Goodbye!

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