Gemstone Paradise With a clenched fist I crushed amethyst, In the palm of my hand lies purple sand, The wind blew a kiss, Upon the ground it did land, Imagine a beach made of this... Blazing orange desire, the horizons of fire, The beach lies placid afront a sunset sky, Protecting the sun as it tires, As the night draws nigh, An ocean of rippling sapphire... Beginning it's hike to the edge of night, Dusk blooms a perfect pearl shaped moon, Rising from the twilight, Dispelling the gloom, Guided only by glittering starlight... Nightly creations, diamond constellations, Highlighting the pathway to the break of day, Resplendent decoration, An illuminating display, A beautiful#moonand star collaboration... Love requited, for a short time they're reunited, Under the night sky marquee they journey, Travelers benighted, Best friends they be, Intrusively the looming morning arrives uninvited. Eclipsed by daybreaks rising, dawn awakes, Night unwillingly resigns behind the citrine skyline, Momentarily opaque, Now gloriously divine, A truly precious and exquisite daily remake... Golden sands cupped in the azure skies hands, An ocean crystal clear, filled with the moons tears, Sun reflecting off the strand, This is paradise right here. I genuinely believe I've just found my promised land.
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