Do You Remember? I'm so sorry I haven't been on opuss for a while- I stopped writing and neglected you a bit too! So I didn't get the chance to wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year- I hope you all had fantastic ones? After a while I missed you though, and wrote this #poem, sooo... Do you remember? Back in May, The first time that we met, a moment I'll never forget, Do you remember? Then in June, Picnics in the park, Getting to know each other, laughing till dark, And afterwards, in July, Trips to the beach, dancing in the sea, That feeling of happiness, and love so free, Do you remember? August, Our first kiss, Beautiful, an unforgettable moment I will forever miss, Do you remember? And in September, Baking apple pie and crumble, and in the russet leaves we tumbled, Do you remember? Then in October, Fireworks going off in my heart, Showers of rainbow sparks igniting the dark, Do you remember? November, Clustered around the roaring amber flames-the bonfire, And the way you held me made my pulse rate climb higher, Do you remember? December, We made angels in the snow, but the fun ended abruptly as you told me you and your family would soon have to go, moving from the town and never coming back, leaving our hearts with one big crack, January, You packed your bags you were leaving, And me I was grieving, February, I couldn't stand valentines day without you, The love we shared now was tainted and blue, But in March, when it came to your birthday, I realised we still had something to celebrate, the memories of our year together, shall be in my mind forever... Do you remember?
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