I am a Little Diddies and short story writer. I am no where near a great writer, as I write mostly to express emotion I'm unable to express in any other way. I recently began sharing what I write with others, and have been surprised at the positive response. My very first shared little diddie was about the birth of my daughter, and I wrote it the night before my grandson was born. I truly didn't think what I had to say would be of any interest to others. I am so thrilled to be wrong, in this case! Lol! I hope my writings will in some way leave a lasting impression, no matter how big or how small! Thank you for visiting and reading my writing. I wish you a Great Day full of joy!!! Come again and I might have added a new piece!
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Weet u zeker dat u dit lid van uw familie wilt verwijderen?
Je hebt geplooid Lovinmalamutes
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