Assassin Pt. 3 Beyond the glimmer of moon, The Dark forces sealed The Forever Assassin, Who could not be killed. The one that could balance The wrong and the right, Was locked under magic In Veils of the Night.' Yet, awake I remained In a prison of fear. I plotted through centuries And thousands of years! I grew in my strength And my powers to kill. Immortal and just; Revenge is my skill. But without 'Heavens Vow' That was passed unto me, A ghostly shadow is All that I'd be. Until one sweet day, When justice prevailed, The Oracle Of Balance Appeared as foretold. She spoke in a tongue Of mist and of flame, Whispering smoke clouds That called out my name. The eyes of the Oracle Saw through my soul. Searching for answers To secrets of old. "Ten thousand years You have been captive here. The evil remains, Only one left to fear." I listened intently To not miss a word! Her voice was more Lyrical than any I'd heard! "I release you from moonlight, Assassin of Old. Take your revenge now And redeem your cursed soul!" She faded away... Extinguished as flame... The last wisp of smoke, Still called out my name. My prison had faded, My feet on the ground. My shield was rusted, No sword could be found. Then through a fine veil Appeared a white light. It shone like the sun, Devouring the night. And rising around me, A castle came up! Faster and faster! As if time was wound up... ...An overgrown courtyard, With dew on the grass, The leaves slowly bouncing Each breeze that glanced past. And there beyond beauty, Amidst headstones of glass, The dark sword was lying, Right there in the grass. 'Heavens Vow', The dark swords name. The blade was eternal, It's sting was of flame. It's godly blessing, Divine and Just, Was entrusted to me To do what I must. And all through my days Have I lived to that vow. Though, innocent blood Has been spilt before now. Revenge I will take On my enemy of old. No payment required For balance foretold. Forever Assassin. I took up my blade. Revenge is my aim. 'Heavens Vow' is it's name... To Be Continued...
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Shaun Jenkins
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