The White Wisp
Chapter One, Heaven.
Mountains, surrounded by the vast green wild, glimmered when the sun's warm rays bounced off the snow covered peeks of the mountains. I held my breath while taking in the beauty and magic of the scene which I was seeing before my very eyes. It felt somewhat recognizable, as if I had been here before. I closed my eyes and lay on the soft long grass, 'This must be heaven' I thought as i replayed the few memories I had in my mind.
My name is Desteen Grey, I am from the mountains of Northern Canada, my age is 16, I have no parents, or at least any memory of them. I had lost my memory a year ago, with no hopes in its return either... I do not know how I got here, how to leave, or who I was... I remember only a few details in my #life, all being somewhat important, I remember my first name, my survival skills, and this boy?...
Chapter Two, Him?
This boy, of silver hair and eyes so blue you could see the ocean when he stared into your eyes... I closed my eyes, and slowly a tear ran down the side of my cheek. Somehow, even though my memory is gone, I feel as if he loves me...
The feeling of warmth, I awoke in his arms and he smiled at me and looked up to the canopy of trees as the suns rays desperately danced around the crisp leaves.
"Mourning sleepy head" he squeezed me tight, assuring I was awake, "We have a ton of ground to cover today", he paused and then patted my head. I yawned and nodded my head towards him, "Des", he said gently and looked in my eyes, "my wing hasn't recovered as fast as I thought it would" he paused and I spoke "Would you like to ride on my back again?" I smiled as he squeezed me again and then frowned. "But don't my talons hurt you?" He buried his face into my hair and inhaled its scent, "I can't stand the thought of hurting you Desteen...".
I smiled and poked his cheek, "you don't need to treat me like a flower you know" I sighed and started to slowly trace patterns in the damp soil with my finger. "I've fought my entire way through #life from the very start" He looked at the swirly patterns i made in the dirt, and his smile slowly faded as I continued, "Now to this day, Im still fighting for my #life and fighting a war at the same time" I buried my head into my knees. "Des yo-" I cut him off, "But now instead of saving myself, I have to save all of us from those things too!" I felt the hot sensation of tears running from my face and stuffed my head back into my knees and silently cried. "Desteen look at me" he said softly and then gently tilted my chin forward lifting my face to his, "You don't need to cry" he whispered and then poked me in the cheek and smiled at me "You know your strong Desteen, you have a pure heart and amazing power" he wiped my tears away with the sleeve of his tan hoodie " why do you think your the white wisp, you are our hope, our will to live and the one who will change the world" he smiled and gave me a squeeze of assurance. "Besides you are not alone, all of us are fighting this war as well and all of us will fight by your side until the last drop of blood is spilt". He hugged me close, I buried my head in his shoulder and inhaled his musky scent, he pulled away and pointed towards a mountain "Thats where we meet the others so we better start moving or they will catch up to us" we moved out of the forest and came to a huge cliff, he turned to me and smiled "Grab on" he said and I wrapped my arms around his neck. Then he jumped .... Then theres nothing, the memory stops there.
Chapter Three, A Song
I rubbed my grey, sleeping eyes awake with the back of my palm and sat up. I ran my fingers through my long light brown hair, brushing grass and leaves out with every stroke. 'Like a make shift brush' i thought to myself. I paused and picked up a red tinged leaf that had been tangled in my hair and pulled at its corners, 'If I've no memory of where I am, why Im here or how i got here, how can I remember simple and pointless things such as what a brush does'? I frowned as the red leaf tore in halves. 'If i cant remember those important things how do i know if I'm not making my memories up as if to fill a void' i pondered at this, a feeling of despair and anger engulfed my body and i slammed my head to my palms cursing myself. 'Who am I really? My mind tells me Im Desteen Grey, but what if thats an entirely different person? A person at home, not sitting in the grass watching as the only light fades away to darkness' I lay in the long grass and stare into the sky, slowly the sun sets over a mountain. The mountain, seemingly swallows it whole, and the area is filled with a dim shade of orange, the sun dies and a replacement comes to light the world, no a million lights come with it. The little lights are everywhere around the silvery moon, the#moonis by far bigger than these lights, but much less brighter than the sun.. 'The smaller lights must come to aid the#moonas they are brighter together than each alone' i thought this and something deep within my heart clicked with this information. I smiled until my mouth twitched from the unfamiliar action.
A new feeling of courage manifested in the back of my mind and those ocean blue eyes appeared as the memory came to me. He and four other equally bruised, mudded, and bloody boys sat on a flat rocked area surrounded by birch and ash trees, facing my he smiled and shyly held his hand out to me and spoke.
"We don't know how many of us there are, but I know if we stand together we will be stronger than we would be standing alone".
I looked to his pale hand and then to his brightly lit smile, the others eagerly watched my hand as i slowly placed my small trembling hand in his, he squeezed my hand and his smile grew bigger and brighter. The others instantly gathered around me with smiles of their own, they asked questions, made jokes and we all quickly became friends as they motioned me to sit with them around a fire. Our laughs and stories filled the area like music and i smiled for the first time as long as i could remember, watching the flicker of the flames, listening, and laughing with them, i felt hope for the first time in my #life, knowing i wasn't alone.
The wind blew and the blades of cold grass brushed softly against my legs, sending me back from that memory. I softly shut my eyes under the stars and whispered "we are stronger standing together than we are standing alone".
I shall never give up on that vow. I have to find them, to find out who i am.
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